Market Monitor - Construction industry - India

Market Monitor

  • India
  • Construction

18th February 2016

Improved outlook due to a better business environment and large infrastructure projects.

  • The Indian construction sector has been facing challenging times in recent years due to slow reforms, weak investment cycles, subdued business confidence, and delays in land acquisition/clearance processes. 
  • The outlook for 2016 has improved due to a better business environment and large infrastructure projects launched by the new government.
  • On-the-ground, recovery is expected to be a gradual process as the sector still deals with structural constraints.
  • Construction companies remain highly leveraged, and obtaining financial support for projects remains a challenge. However, banks have increased loans to the sector.
  • Payments in the construction sector take between 90-120 days on average.
  • We continue to maintain a cautious approach in underwriting this sector.
  • Besides financial information, we assess trading experience with buyers and monitor any changes in payment behaviour. We also assess the strength of the customer-buyer relationship. 
  • We would generally not encourage customers to lengthen their normal terms of payment.

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