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Sofia, 8 June 2018 – Credit insurer Atradius opens branch office in Sofia to strengthen and protect Bulgarian businesses’ domestic and international trade.

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Latest News and Articles

Amsterdam, June 24th 2016 - After weeks of speculation the future path for the United Kingdom’s relationship with the European Union is confirmed.

Press release

Baltimore, 28 June 2018 - Increasing level of deterioration in payment practices in the Americas

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Amsterdam, 24 May 2018 - The increase in US protectionist measures raises Asia Pacific exporters' fears that turnover will decline

Press release

Learn more about Atradius

Man writing | Atradius

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about credit insurance, how it works and how it can benefit your business.

SME meeting | Atradius

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We are a global company and recruit talent throughout the world. We promote a positive and diverse working culture for all of our people.

Transport ship | Atradius


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The statements made herein are provided solely for general informational purposes and should not be relied upon for any purpose. Please refer to the actual policy or the relevant product or services agreement for the governing terms. Nothing herein should be construed to create any right, obligation, advice or responsibility on the part of Atradius, including any obligation to conduct due diligence of buyers or on your behalf. If Atradius does conduct due diligence on any buyer it is for its own underwriting purposes and not for the benefit of the insured or any other person. Additionally, in no event shall Atradius and its related, affiliated and subsidiary companies be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the statements made information herein.