
Atradius publications provide you with our view on the economic situation in more than 40 countries and the trading outlook of major industries.


Featured Publication
Network cable Atradius Collect@Net

Despite still high growth rates the sector is facing a challenging economic environment, with fiercer competition and oversupplies in some segments.

Market Monitor

  • China
  • Electronics/ICT

Trading Briefs

Credit-to-Cash briefings, Export Practice papers and the quarterly updated Atradius Risk Map present information on areas that can affect trade.

Trading Briefs | Atradius

Industry Performance Forecast

An at-a glance summary graphic of the business performance and credit risk situation of key industries in major markets.

IPF Teaser Weather Icon

Risk Map

A world map showing the political risks associated with individual countries, published quarterly by the Atradius Economic Research Department.

Risk map | Atradius

Country Report

Reports on political stability, economic performance and outlook based on GDP growth, exports, investments and consumption indicators.

Country Reports and publications | Atradius

Economic Research

Economic developments and insolvency trends in developed and emerging markets, including insights from our Chief Economist.

Economic research | Atradius

Market Monitor

Reports on the performance of key industries in individual markets, focusing on credit risks, business development and financial conditions.

Market Monitor reports and publications | Atradius

Payment Practices Barometer

An annual review of corporate payment practices and behaviour as surveyed in more than 30 countries around the world.

Payment Practices | Atradius

Debt Collection Reports

The annual International Debt Collections Handbook and Global Collections Review feature data on corporate debt collection behaviour.

Collections reports and publictions | Atradius

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